Performance Analysis of MTD64, our Tiny Multi-Threaded DNS64 Server Implementation: Proof of Concept

Gábor Lencse


In the current stage of IPv6 deployment, the combination of DNS64 and NAT64 is an important IPv6 transition technology, which can be used to enable IPv6 only clients to communicate with IPv4 only servers. In addition to the existing free software DNS64 implementations, we proposed a tiny multithreaded one, MTD64.
In this paper, the performance of MTD64 is measured and compared to that of the industry standard BIND in order to check the correctness of the design concepts of MTD64, especially of the one that we use a new thread for each request. For the performance measurements, our earlier proposed dns64perf program is enhanced as dns64perf2, which one is also documented in this paper. We found that MTD64 seriously outperformed BIND and hence our design principles may be useful for the design of a high performance production class DNS64 server. As an additional test, we have also examined the effect of dynamic CPU frequency scaling to the performance of the implementations.

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