Information For Authors

Manuscripts to IJATES2 are accepted via electronic submission only. Authors are requested to prepare manuscript by using LaTeX style or Microsoft Word template, while LaTeX is preferred. To enable fast access to the readers, accepted manuscript are published as they were submitted, therefore it is essential to adhere to the provided templates. Please note that manuscripts that do not match the required formatting are automatically rejected.

For the needs of review, only pdf file of the manuscript is required. Once accepted, the authors are asked to submit the final version of the paper, together with the source files (e.g. zipped source tex code with figures, or doc/docx files), and Copyright agreement (see Copyright Notice).

The IJATES2 is ready to publish full papers and letters submitted by prospective authors for free. The length of the full paper is usually 4-6 pages. Letters on inventions, advances, and innovations should be brief, accurate giving main view of the problem discussed, and should not exceed 3 pages.


For LaTeX users:

-          LaTeX style file: IJATES2.cls

-          LaTeX template file: IJATES2_template.tex

-          Zipped LaTex style file and template:


For MS Word users:

-          MS Word template: IJATES2_template.doc

The corresponding author of a paper is highly encouraged to follow the journal tutorial and publication guidelines and Manuscript formatting, because in this case the publication of the accepted paper is free of charge.

In other cases, for accepted manuscripts we are able to provide required formatting and editorial work which is however charged with 100EUR (Ask for billing details).

This fee includes the following services:

  • Metadata revisions
  • Manuscript formatting according to IJATES2 template
  • Author(s) obtain the final electronic version (PDF file) of the paper

Copyright notice:

Creative Commons License

All the papers are published and licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Complete Copyright notice can be fond here.